Many people from different walks of life loves swimming. When I was still in my elemnetary grades my cousins and I used to go to the beach just to practice swimming until it became our daily habbit. Every morning we go to the beach and there we do have some swimming contest. It is there where I learned how to swim. As we do this we never thought that swimming is a healthful sport. We did this just as a sort of a game.
Swimming is one of the most healthful sport. Nearly every muscles of the body is used and regular practice helps a person develop coordination and strength. The best place to learn swimming is in a pool, where supervision and coaching are easiest. The first thing a beginner should learn is how to float and thread water. Floating allows a swimmer t ostay on top of the water with little or no effort, and it is necessary when swimming long distances. Treading water is something like walking in deep water.
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The aquatic sport of swimming is based on the human act of swimming, that is locomotion in water by self propulsion, with the goal of competing a given distance in the shortest amount of time.
There are different kinds of strokes in swimming and these different kinds of strokes will be able to exercise the whole part of your body thus becoming it a healthful sport.
The different strokes in swimming are:
Butterfly Stroke: it is the toughest and the most exhausting swimming stroke, encompassing windmill like arm movements and dolphin kick. While performing this stroke competitively, the swimmer should avoid underwater swimming.
Breast Stroke: this is one among the different swimming strokes that involves arm movements on the front side, from your head to shoulder level. It is the frog kick that can be associated with this stroke. The swimmer should keep his/her head above the water surface, while carrying out this swim stroke.
Crawl: flutter kick and alternating over arm movements are the features that characterize crawl-swimming stroke. While doing crawling, the swimmer has to keep his head in the water, alternating the face side.
Sidestroke: scissors kick is a distinguished feature that explains the movements of sidestroke. This underwater stroke involves the pushing of your body in the forward direction, keeping your body on one side.
Backstroke: this stroke involves alternate over the head arm movements and flutter kick.
Freestyle swimming: it gives you the liberty to use any swimming stroke you want to, while carrying out your swimming workout session.
If you love swimming, continue with it. It will help you to become healthy and physically fit.
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